We are still basking in the glow from our Secular Sabbath weekend together. Some experiences lie beyond words - in a place where the details may slip from the conscious mind, but the memories and emotions experienced stay forever ingrained within us.
Othership took us on a deep introspective inwards journey inwards with their Inner Child breathwork experience our first night.
And then they reinvigorated our spirits with the most timely cold plunge! In that wild desert heat… how perfect was the cold shock?
As Harry shared with us, the benefits of cold water exposure are immense. Cold exposure is scientifically proven to:
Boost your immune system.
Releases norepinephrine for mood + combats inflammation.
Boosts metabolism + helps with weight management.
Improves your circulation.
Promotes lymphatic drainage.
Stimulate the vagus nerve.
Speeds up muscle soreness + recovery.
Boosts energy and increases focus.
Such a magical time. We’re so grateful to have shared this time and space together. There are many ways you can stay connected with our Othership crewmates:
Visit Othership’s hot + cold magic in Toronto
Stay connected as Othership brings their next ship to LA
Download their amazing breathwork app & try for two weeks free
Dive deeper + learn more about the incredible power of our breath
The Othership Breathing App lets you access over 500 guided breathwork classes to regulate your nervous system - and your emotions - in a world that can't be regulated. The sessions are music-driven, science-informed, and meticulously curated by expert facilitators - like Harry + Amanda! You can build a new mindfulness routine as you learn to boost your energy, soothe anxiety, and release challenging emotions, all through the power of your breath.
You can continue to carry the magic of our Secular Sabbath weekend with you - download here to experience Othership for two weeks free.
Here's to many more ins + outs together.